Mania info and support

The first step to support someone with bipolar disorder is to learn as much as you can. I hope this collection of my mania articles and posts helps. Viewed best in a web browser.

Social media posts:

March 20, 2023: Spring Mania

We made it through winter! Next challenge: don’t go manic 😂

This is the time of year when I’m most likely to have a manic episode. To try to prevent it, I: prioritize my sleep routine 😴, take my meds 💊, eat/be mostly healthy (alcohol, caffeine, sugar, exercise)🍎, tell my support people if I’m starting to feel jittery-upbeat🤩, review my psychiatrist’s olanzapine directions in case my sleep goes off the rails even with clonazepam👨‍⚕️

What do you prioritize for stability? ☯️

March 31, 2023 {click the arrows to scroll through the slides}
May 29, 2023 {click the image below to watch}

In this video I share my rules to help calm things down when I think I might be manic. Sleep and meds are critical. Find more tips about mental health, writing, and inspiration, at

June 12, 2023 {click the arrows to scroll through the slides}
July 17, 2023: Musings of a lunatic

This was the last journal entry I made before being admitted to the psych ward. My mania was so extreme that I used symbols as shortcuts to express myself. Pressured speech writing.

It made sense at the time but I have forgotten my code. My thoughts were actually logical even if I couldn’t express it properly.

I hid this journal for months. Looking at it felt painful and embarrassing. Sharing it now, I’m more curious than raw, but I still feel awkwardly embarrassed. I sure was crazy.

I’ll end this compilation with the same text that I used to end the post above: I hope this reaches anyone who needs to see the struggles of another bipolar person. If you can relate, I hope you find support in this post. If you need more support, DM me and I’ll do my best to help.

© Charise Jewell 2023